Personality Test

Go beyond Myers & Briggs' 16 Types, and
learn about your type.

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Carefully prepare and get ready for the test. Choose your answers based on how well each statement describes you. Complete your test submission.

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Ready to get started on the personality test?

  • Before starting the test, make sure you are in a place that allows you to concentrate.
  • Please answer honestly and truthfully.
  • The complete personality test consists of 40 questions.
  • You are not limited in time.
  • You are not allowed to skip questions or return back to them later.
{( test.currentQuestion )} / 40
I am task oriented in order to achieve certain goals.
I get bored easily when disscussing abstract concepts.
I like to try things out myself.
I like to know where I'm going before I leave the house.
I believe there is a logical explanation for everything.
I tend to keep my social circle small.
I like to share my ideas with others.
I enjoy using social media.
I always express concern for others when making decisions.
I like to try new things.
I can easily adjust to a change in decision.
I solve problems by working through facts until I understand the problem.
I rely on logic rather than intuition when making a decision.
I make decisions with my heart.
I learn best by seeing step by step instructions.
I sometimes move onto another task before completing my current one.
I prefer a flexible and spontaneous way of life.
I like to keep my options open when making decisions.
I feel comfortable in crowds.
I like to share my feelings with others.
I prefer to work/do right away rather than spend time making a plan.
I know my priorities.
I tend to work alone.
I don't like going to parties.
I am in tune with my own emotions and let them guide me in life.
I rely on my intution and experience more than facts.
I like to think things through.
I am a visual learner.
I think carefully before I make decisions.
I feel uneasy if my actions disrupt harmony in my social circle.
I put my personal opinions aside in pursuit of fairness and justice.
I tend to sit at the back or corner of the room.
I like being the centre of attention.
I solve problems by leaping between different ideas and possibilities.
I like to complete my work before playing.
I don't let other people influence my thoughts or actions.
I use my sense of smell to help remember memories.
I make decisions based on my emotions.
I need time alone to recharge.
I like to keep my room organized and clean.
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